PSVANE HFI Audio Vacuum Tubes KT88 KT88C DIY Amplifier Tube New
UH………… 6.3 V
IH………… 1.6 A
Maximum Rating
------------- --KT94 KT100 KT94 KT100
Ua……………… 800 800 800 800 V
Ug2………… 600 600 600 600 V
Ug1…………-200 -200 -200 -200 V
Pa………… 42 45 35 40 W
Pg2…… 8 8 6 6 W
Pa+g2… 46 49 40 45 W
Ik……………… 230 230 230 230 mA
Uh-k……… 200 200 250 250 V
Tbulb……………… 250 250 250 250 C
with cathode bias
--- ---Pa + Pg2≤ 35W 0.47 MΩ
--- ---Pa +Pg2 > 35W 0.27 MΩ
with fixed bias
--- ---Pa +Pg2≤35W 0.22 MΩ
--- ---Pa +Pg2> 35W 0.10 MΩ
Direct Interelectrode Capacitances
--- - - --triode connection and tetrode connection
input……… 16--- -9.3 PF
output……… 12 --- -17 PF
grid to plate……… 1.2 ----7.9 P
Static parameter
tetrode connection
Ug2……………… 250V
a………………… 140mA
Ig2(approx)…… 3mA
Gm………………… 12mA/V
ri …………………12KΩ
μg1-g2…………… 8
triode connection
-Ug1(approx)… 15V
μ………………… 8
Series KT88 KT94 KT100
Recommended Operating Conditions(reference value)
Push-pull.classAB1.cathode bias.triode connection.
Ua.g2(b)………………400 485 V
Ua.g2(O)………………349 422 V
Ia+g2(0)………………2×76 2×94 mA
Ig+Ig2(max.sig)……2×80 2×101mA
RL(a-a)………………4 4 KΩ
-Ug(approx)………… 40 50 V
Pout………………… 17 31 W
Dtot ……………… 1.5 1.5 %
Pa.g2(0)…………… 2×26.5 2×40W
Pa.g2(max.sig)……2×19 2×27 W
Rk……………………2×525 2×525Ω
ū(…… 78 114 V
Zout………………… 2 1.9 KΩ
Push-pull.classAB1.cathode bias.tetrode connection.
Ua(b)……………………560 V
Ua(0)……………………521 V
Ug2…………………… 300 V
Ia(o)……………………2×64 mA
Ia(max.sig)……………2×73 mA
Ig2(0)…………………2×1.7 mA
Ig2(max.sig)………… 2×9 mA
RL(a-a)……………… 9 kΩ
Rk……………………2×460 Ω
-Ug1(approx)…………30 V
Pout……………………50 W
Dtot……………………3 %
Pa(0) ………………2×33 W
Pa(max.sig) ………2×28 W
Pa2(0) ……………2×0.5 W
Pg2(max.sig) ……2×0.7 W
?( ………60 V
Push-full.class AB1.fixed bias.ultra-linear connection.
(40%tapping points)
U a.g2(b)………………560 460 V
Ua.g2(0)………………553 453 V
Ia+g2(0)………………2ⅹ50 2ⅹ50mA
Ia+g2(max.sig)…… 2ⅹ157 2ⅹ140mA
RL(a-a)…………… 4.5 4 KΩ
-Ug1(approx)…… 75 59 V
Pout………………… 100 70 W
Dtot ………………………2 2 %
Pa+g2(0)………………2ⅹ27.5 2ⅹ27.5W
Pa+g2(max.sig)………2ⅹ33 2ⅹ27 W
ū(…………140 114 V
Zout…………………… 7 6.5 KΩ
Push-full.class AB1.cathode bias.ultra-linear connection.
(40% tapping points)
Ua.g2(b) …………………500 375 V
Ua.g2(0) …………………436 328 V
Ia+g2(0) …………………2×87 2×87 mA
Ia+g2(max.sig) …………2×99 2×96 mA
RL(a-a) ………………… 6 5 kΩ
Rk…………………………2×600 2×400 Ω
-Ug1(approx) …………… 52 35 V
Pout…………………………50 30 W
Dtot……………………… 1.5 1.0 %
Pa+g2(0) ………………2×38 2×28.5 W
Pa+g2(max.sig) ……… 2×17 2×16 W
?( …………… 104 71 V
Zout……………………… 4.8 4.5 kΩ
Push-full.class AB1.fixed bias.tetrode connection.
Ua(b) ………………………560 V
Ua(0) ………………………552 V
Ug2 ……………………… 300 V
Ia(0) ………………………2×60 mA
Ia(max.sig) ………………2×145 mA
Ig2(0) …………………… 2×1.7 mA
RL(a-a) …………………… 4.5 kΩ
-Ug1(approx) ………………34 V
Pout…………………………100 W
Dtot………………………… 2.5 %
Pa(0) ………………………2×33 W
Pa(max.sig) ………………2×28 W
Pg2(0) ……………………2×0.5 W
Pg2(max.sig) ……………2×4.5 W
?( ……………… 67 V