Shipping & Order Tracking
1. Where you ship the package from
We ship from China to worldwide.
2. How to track my items?
You can always check the tracking # of your orders in “My Orders”-“View Order Details”.
3.Why I didn’t get a shipping notification?
We send email to your registered address for each order we ship. Please make sure the email address is correct before purchase.
Check trash if you didn’t get an email after your register.
4.Will you ship all my items together or it would be multiply packages?
Yes, If you bought one more items in one order, we will ship them together.
5. How you guys deal with custom tax?
We alway write the value around 5-20USD for each package so you can avoid some custom tax.
There is no Tax for USA buyers.
You may have a less than 5% Probability to pay tax if you are in Europe.
Contact us first if the shipping company asked you to pay tax, we may help you out there.